You did it. You’ve done the research, asked all the questions and you’ve booked a beauty squad for your big day. Yay! You’ve been to their website 100x. Read all the amazing reviews. You and your bridesmaids now stalk their Instagram. You LOVE their work. You emailed over your Pinterest board of “Wedding hair and Makeup.” Seriously, you know this team inside and out. So why do you still need to schedule a makeup and hair preview before the big day? Here’s 5 reasons a trial run is SO important before the wedding.

What did you like most about your trial?
"Getting to know you and feeling reassured that I can trust you to make me beautiful on wedding day! I’ve never had my make up done professionally so it was really essential for me to do the trial to help me not stress about the day of make up. It made me even more excited about the big day!”
- Katie Majewski
1. CONNECT WITH YOUR ARTIST. The preview is 1-2.5 hours of one on one time with your artist. You get the chance to break the ice and get to know each other. Yes, you might feel like you know them through social media, but it’s very important to spend some uninterrupted, quality time getting to know one another. You’re going to be spending 4+ hours with your team on the big day, so you really want to make sure you click and they are a good fit for your bridal tribe. 2. SET EXPECTATIONS. That Pinterest inspiration board should be just that, inspiration. There’s a chance that the photos you're showing your artists have been edited, photoshopped and filtered. That boho goddess braid style you love might require hair padding or clip in extensions to add the same thickness and volume you love. Or the lip color you had your heart set on may not be the right choice for your skin tone. The trial is the time to work through these details, so you are both on the same page when your big day arrives.
3. YOU MIGHT CHANGE YOUR MIND. Once a week a bride-to-be asks for a red lip and hates it when it’s on. That’s ok! That’s exactly why we do the trial. Or a bride absolutely wants her hair down and after the trial decides she wants it up. Again, that’s ok! You want to be able to make these changes well before your wedding day. That way when the big day comes you're not worried if you will like your look. You’ll know for certain it’s perfect.
4. DETAILS. While doing your trial a lot of questions you may have forgotten to ask come up organically. “Should I wear a veil? Do I need a hair pin? Do I need lashes?” This saves you from having to shoot an email every time one of these pops in your head during the planning process. That saves you time. You also get to wear your look through the entire day. Here, you can see how much volume in your hair fell, or where your makeup got shiny. This feedback is amazing for your stylists/artists, so they can adjust accordingly for the wedding day.
5. PIECE OF MIND. You wore the look all day and you took the selfies. Your look is perfect. No guessing, no maybes. You feel confident your beauty team will take the absolute best care of you and your ladies on the big day. You KNOW this is your look. These are your people. In the crazy, sometimes stressful world of wedding planning, there is no better feeling than certainty. Now you know your team. You love them even MORE than you did before. You know you NEED extensions for your textured, romantic updo. You know how AMAZING your makeup looked with lashes. You know your look compliments your dress beautifully. You know you can officially check bridal hair and makeup off your wedding To-Do list. And we all KNOW how good that feels.